
Our curriculum is based on the motto of "Learning By Doing" which helps the students to enhance their all around skills and creativity by encouraging their quest for knowledge and arousing their curiosity.

Excel school is affiliated to CBSE (Affiliation No: 930471). The academic year begins in the first week of June and ends in the last week of March.

In lower classes we follow thematic approach. Themes are selected in accordance with the CBSE curriculum. English, E.V.S., Malayalam, Art, Craft, Music and Library are integrated to a common theme. Each teacher deals with different aspects of the same theme.

Group work, projects, presentations, experiments and audiovisual experiences are part of our curriculum framework. This gives the child a holistic perspective of the concept. In effect, children learn by doing. This in turn enriches independent thinking and inquisitive learning. Our faculty is specially trained in this unique and highly effective method of teaching.

A period per week is exclusively dedicated to polish the creative skills of children and let them fly on the wings of poesy. The contributions made by the students are brought forth in the quarterly 'News & Views'. These include Poems, articles and illustrations, among others.

Field trips are an integral part of the thematic approach. Students are given opportunity to visit different places such as: places of worship, Fire station, Post Office, Railway station, Veterinary Hospital, Municipality, Police Station, Historical places, Botanical garden, and Small Scale Industries, among others. Such trips facilitate to internalize what they learn.

Interacting with prominent personalities from different domains of life helps our students to learn about various aspects of real world life and get inspired by their views of life, success stories etc.

With an intention to make the students read newspapers and develop awareness about the world scenario, we introduced the Quiz corner. A question is given on all Wednesdays based on the week's main headlines. Students are to find answers to the questions and deposit it in the boxes assigned to them. Prizes are awarded to the winners, monthly.

Practice sheets, worksheets and creative writing provide an insight into what children have acquired. Our objective is to make the teaching-learning process enjoyable, resourceful and experience based.